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Model United Nations
Modern Barakhamba Road Intra MUN : UNGA - solutions regarding the Syrian refugees
(delegate of China) : verbal mention
Step By Step MUN: UNGA - the question of tibet
(delegate of Bhutan) : verbal mention
Manav Rachna Mun : UNCSW - the status of women
(delegate of Chile) : high commendation
Excelsior MUN: WTO - delisting Chinese companies from American exchange and
the effects of the global economy
(delegate of Saudi Arabia) : special mention
VHS MUN: OPEC- oil reserves in syria
(delegate of South Sudan) :high commendation
E-Ahmed International MUN: FAO - improvement in implantation of food
security in Africa
(delegate of Denmark) : diplomacy award
E-Sai Mun : Senior Specpol - piracy in the Gulf of Guinea
(delegate of France) : high commendation
Welham Mun- UNHRC - forced labour in china
(delegate of USA) : participated
Blue Bells Mun- UNW- achieving gender equality through generation equality
(delegate of France) : high commendation
Cathedral Mun: futuristic AU, 2029- Deliberating upon the economic and political stability of African nations during the Palladium Schism (delegate of Ethiopia): diplomatic commendation
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